Baby Mason

I’ve been dying to put up this post of the gorgeous little Mason.  I attended the hospital after his birth for a shoot as well as a home photoshoot.  It wonderful to see how quickly new parents Sam & Kelsey have taken to parenthood – like ducks to water … or nappies to bins.

He’s such a cute little thing and I wish I could show you all the photos … but I’ve restrained myself with just a few … enjoy!


Baby Florence No.2

O.k … so here is the second instalment of little Florence!  I ventured over to Ross-On-Wye to the Slaters household where I set up our photoshoot.  I was joined by my lovely mum, Tania, who has recently started her own photography business and specialises in newborn shoots.  She very kindly lent me her props and gave me guidance … it’s a lot more difficult than it may appear!

Jemma and Mark bought her a beautiful little flower crown for this shoot and she’d also been given the sweetest little mini-mouse outfit!  It was a real pleasure to experience a newborn shoot – I loved photographing such a tiny little subject and look forward to doing my next one!

Baby Florence

On Friday the 16th of December, I had my first hospital shoot for Mark and Jemma Slater with the arrival of their first baby girl, Florence!  Being a Mum and Dad of two lovely boys already, I experienced a super chilled reception from them!  I got to have cuddles straight away which was delightful … possibly the newest baby I’ve held so far!

Florence was fast asleep the whole time so the photoshoot was a breeze!  We experimented with a few shots, some of which had me climbing on the bed frame and standing over Mum & Baby in order to achieve an aerial view!  Fun times.

This is the first instalment – another newborn shoot is to come with props ‘n stuff.  Enjoy!